Friday, August 14, 2020

Marching Down Our Street

Last night (August 13, 2020) a Black Lives Matter march came down our street about 9:30 while Candy and I were on our front porch playing our evening game. Those who were marching were in straight rows and columns “social distancing” with rhythmic chanting that kept everyone in step like a military drill squad. A number of cars followed the marchers. Monitors wearing identifiable vests walked alongside keeping everyone in good order. They were loud but orderly (no violence, vandalism, looting, or threats) and finished by 10:00 pm several blocks from us.

 Though our attention was distracted from our game, we did not feel threatened or inclined to retreat inside. Our delightfully diverse Washington Heights neighborhood was certainly a congenial setting. A number of neighbors came out to watch and after the marchers were gone, lingered for casual conversation. Many homes have a variety of signs sympathetic to racial justice and harmony, including the upscale ones on Hi Mount, Washington Blvd., and in Washington Highlands. Just an aside observation, not intended as political advocacy, walking and driving our neighborhood would give little clue to who is running against Joe Biden, except for one “anyone but Trump” sign on a lawn a couple of houses down from us. Obviously, our neighborhood is not typical of the US or even Wisconsin. I am very aware of the broad spectrum of political opinions among my family and friends.

 I am not offering this to change anyone’s mind about anything, but simply to acknowledge an out of the ordinary experience for us in our quiet neighborhood during our typically quiet couple time before retiring for the night.