Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Update from Candy’s 11-01 Orthopedic Appointment and 11-02 Care Conference

 The orthopedic appointment went quite well. Everything seems to be aligned and healing properly. Incisions are healing nicely. Some concern about modest swelling of right leg to be monitored so if it gets worse intervention can head off any possible blood clot issues.


Care Conference was quite encouraging. Rachel went along. Candy is able to walk 60’ with a walker. A week ago she couldn’t even stand. Now she can handle transfer from recliner to walker or wheelchair to toilet and back. She is eating well and able to feed herself. Toileting is going much better now. She wants to get home as soon as possible, so they are working on gaining strength and proficiency with the walker. She has been needing help with dressing for a while, which they want to try to improve.


They are projecting November 12 for completing therapy, but that could change either direction depending on progress (and insurance). She doesn’t know that yet as time and uncertainty are increasingly elusive for her (before the accident). We are working to get the house ready. David already installed grab bars in bathroom. Rugs and other trip/slip hazards are being removed. David and a contractor friend will be starting to build a ramp at the back of the house. When she gets home, occupational and physical therapists will make other recommendations and work with her to function as fully as possible at home. We are retiring our 1999 Chevy Blazer for a 2017 Toyota Sienna for better accessibility and comfort.


In 2019 routine lab work prompted an investigation of bone thinning related to a hyperactive parathyroid gland (not to be confused with the thyroid). At the time, surgical intervention didn’t seem urgent, but now we will be revisiting that as bone thinning has progressed, and we don’t want to risk another fracture. Still unknown is how the stress of this experience (on top of her Dad’s passing and a scary accident in the hotel in Minnesota just before his memorial service that sent her to the ER for stitches) and the effects of anesthesia and short-term pain meds may affect her Alzheimer’s.


The staffs at Froedtert Hospital and Lutheran Home (where she is getting rehab) have been wonderful. We have gotten considerable prayer and practical support from family, church, and friends. Our shared duplex household with Rachel, David, and Elizabeth just upstairs has been invaluable. We are all tired, and Norm is especially exhausted. Nevertheless, we are exceedingly grateful and hopeful as we anticipate these next steps. Thanks to all of you who are receiving this for your love and prayers.

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